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간성 (성) 남녀한몸 영어로


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  • Intersex
  • 간성    간성 [干城] a bulwark; a stronghold; a
  • 참남녀한몸    True hermaphroditism
  • 거짓남녀한몸    Pseudohermaphroditism
  • 남녀한몸을 소재로 한 영화    Films about intersex
  • 남녀한몸을 소재로 한 작품    Works about intersex
  • 간성    간성 [干城] a bulwark; a stronghold; a defender; a safeguard; a tower of strength; [군인] a soldier; soldiery. 국가의 ~ the bulwark of security to the state.
  • 남녀    남녀 [男女] man and woman; male and female; persons of different sexes; both sexes. ~를 막론하고 regardless of sex. ~ 양성의 of both sexes / bisexual. ~간에 between male and female. 젊은 ~ Jack and Gill[Jill] / cr
  • 인간성 인간성    Personhood
  • 공간성    spatiality
  • 인간성    인간성 [人間性] human nature; humanity. ~을 말살하다 dehumanize / divest of human qualities. 언어의 연구는 바로 ~의 연구이다 The study of language is the study of human nature. 그는 ~이 나쁘다 He is ill-natured.
  • 암수한몸    hermaphroditism
  •     성 [노여운 감정] anger; rage; indignation; wrath; displeasure; offense. ~이 나게 하다 make angry[ mad] / stir to anger / anger / outrage / (벌컥) rouse to anger / set blood on fire. ~을 가라앉히다 calm[appease] an
  • 남녀 노소    young and old
  • 남녀 추니    hermaphrodite; epicene
  • 남녀의    sex; sexual
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